
大家好,我是罗伯. 我是ECOM的总经理. We're a digital recruitment business in 十大网博靠谱平台 and part of the wider InterQuest Group.

按月计算, 我们发布MIQ报告, 这是对英国人才市场的深入研究. It includes loads of really interesting data and insights and commentary around what's going on out there. So, we've just released the March version of our MIQ and so wanted to share today some key insights and findings from that.

You know at times of economic downturn there's always going to be challenging and unfortunate situations that people find themselves in. 然而, 如果你仔细研究数据并与市场上的人交谈, 是的, 虽然存在一些冗余, 生长的冻结, 目前市场上仍有很多真正积极的因素.

So, if we look specifically at the 十大网博靠谱平台 and Northwest Digital and tech markets, we are still seeing a higher level of confidence in growth as it's grown eight points through January to where we are now. 不到50%的信心. 这实际上是英国最高的.

Over recent years we've really seen 十大网博靠谱平台 grow into being a major technology and digital hub, 不仅在英国,而且在整个欧洲. There's over 1600 startups and scale ups in our city and the digital and tech sector employs over 60,000人.

Last year alone, 十大网博靠谱平台 Tech businesses raised over £530 million worth of external investment. This is 50% growth on the year before announced that many other major European cities. We've seen a number of major international businesses really commit to 十大网博靠谱平台 as a centre of excellence with some pretty big numbers being talked about in terms of growth.

就我个人而言,我不认为今年会有太大的不同. I think what we will see is some of the Big 十大网博靠谱平台 digital names slowing down, but these are companies that have hired fairly aggressively over the last two years have hired for growth.

They're a good head count now with growth slowing down, they will slow down their hiring plans. But there are lots of new businesses moving to the city or exciting scale ups that startups that are going to continue to grow and feed the tech sector in the city.

从以往应对经济衰退的经验来看, one of the trends I would expect to see this year is a bit more of an emphasis on contract and temporary hires and companies will still have projects to deliver on. Will still need to invest in updating systems and technology but may have a freeze across general staffing.

Some may look to a kind of temporary resource to be able to fill this gap until they're in a position to hire perm staff. 看看数据, there's still a lot of confidence in the candidate marketplace with 74% of people considering changing jobs in the next year and key motivators.

我们要向前看, 薪水和补偿仍然是最大的激励因素, but alongside that flexible working flexibility around working continues to rank higher and higher every year.
Software engineering and development roles still continue to be the most difficult to fill, not just in 十大网博靠谱平台 but across the UK and digital and tech and closely followed by DevOps and platform roles where we're seeing real growth in demand for this.

不可否认,2023年将比2022年更加艰难. But as I said before, 2022 was a year of huge growth and a very positive market. 今年公司仍将增长, 会继续招聘, 如果你自己也想招聘人才, 你还是可以找到那个天才的, but it may be more difficult to find the best people than it was in the previous year. If you are looking to hire the best talent, what's the advice that I could offer?

更多的人可能会说,这不仅仅是钱的问题. 最终, 你必须有足够的薪水来支付合适的福利, 否则, 你连看一眼的机会都没有. 所以最重要的是,确保你的薪酬合理. 

然后与市场平起平坐, make sure that you offer the right level of flexibility around working from home and flexible working hours. 您不需要提供完全远程. 事实上, 实际上这些公司, 一些我们最成功的公司, 那些有混合模式的.

但要确保你能提供求职者想要的东西. Have a clear narrative understanding of why people would want to work for you. 你的机会有什么有趣和令人兴奋的地方? 是因为你在做什么吗? 是你正在研究的技术吗? 是你要去的机构背后的故事吗? 

了解是什么让你与众不同, 是什么让你从竞争对手中脱颖而出, and really build a story around that you can use to sell who you are and why people should work for you.





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