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“Why can’t we hire staff, what are we doing wrong?"

“Why can’t we hire staff, what are we doing wrong?”

I get asked this question all the time, 我们的许多客户都错误地认为现在会有过多的候选人.

Unfortunately, that’s just not the case, well not in Digital & Technology anyway, 所以我想我应该花点时间解释一下过去几个月市场上发生了什么,以及为什么我接触过的几乎每家公司都在努力吸引人才. 我还将解释一下我们正在做些什么来克服这些挑战.

How has the Pandemic affected Recruitment?

I think firstly it’s important to understand that the Digital & Technology sector hasn’t been too badly affected by the pandemic. In most cases, 它对外部因素相当有弹性,有些情况下还受益于这种情况.

More and more people's lives have gone online, from shopping to doctor's appointments, from gym classes to zoom parties, and every other way we’ve adapted our lives. 西北地区表现良好,事实上,去年12月,该地区招聘的职位比疫情前增加了35%(相比之下,伦敦仍落后19%)。.

首先,我们的部门并没有大量裁员, and while most businesses did stop hiring for a while, they got used to remote working, and how they would interview and onboard remotely. 招聘很快又开始了,那些被解雇的候选人被抢购一空.

Why is recruitment hard?

因此,那些不得不找新工作的人现在已经这样做了,而那些通常想要跳槽的候选人也已经这样做了, 或者对现状不满意,想要改变, but why? There’s a handful of reasons that I’ll try to explain.

现在搬家是有风险的,我听到有人说“最好是你知道的魔鬼”. 人们不想离开一份稳定的工作,搬到一个陌生的地方, could they be last in first out if things don’t work out?

Until recently a lot of people have been home-schooling, 一想到要找到一份新工作,还要经过面试, while trying to do your full-time job, and be a teacher to your kids is an extra burden people don’t want.

然后,你会害怕接受一个从未见过任何人,也从未踏进过办公室的职位. 除此之外,还有远程启动新角色的不熟悉情况. 所以,随着末日即将来临,很多人都选择等待.

Finally, there’s the weather, 虽然现在外面阳光明媚,但这几个月的天气却特别灰暗、阴沉. 由于新的封锁以及日常生活的单调乏味, 人们对未来不太乐观,也不怎么努力发展自己的事业,这并不奇怪.

很多这些理由都是没有根据的,而现在正是换工作的好时机, this doesn’t change people's perceptions and fears.

But all is not lost. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, we have a lockdown exit plan, 疫苗的推广似乎进展顺利,太阳又出来了. 每周都有越来越多的人公开讨论他们的未来, but there’s no quick fix to this, 在某种程度上,我们需要等到候选人的信心恢复.

We’ve not sat back though, 通过适应当前的形势,我们成功地继续为客户寻找人才. 我们正投入越来越多的精力与我们现有的候选人网络进行沟通,向他们推销他们应该跳槽的理由,以及为什么澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们的客户是一个安全的选择. So as normality returns, if you’re planning to hire feel free to get in touch, 我们的团队非常乐意帮助您找到最好的候选人.

所以希望你能更多地理解为什么你很难与人才打交道. You’re not alone, 这是一个全行业的问题,在大流行之前就存在了,需求大于供应,而covid加剧了这一问题. The market will improve as we return to normality, 但这并不能解决整个行业技术人才短缺的固有问题, however, 这完全是另一个话题,一个更大的问题需要解决.

Rob Sugden是ECOM招聘公司十大网博靠谱平台办事处的主管,他一直在招聘技术人员 & 在西北地区工作了17年的数字人才,总是有兴趣讨论市场并分享他的见解和建议.

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